Building the innovators toolbox

Building a Toolbox

Today we are still stuck with the traditional strategic models and they are inadeguate to do the fast changing jobs of today and tomorrow.

We still rely on the analysis of the business on increasingly ‘dated’ tools and methods for today’s business purpose and climate.

We are still far too comfortable and reliant on using models that were built for a different era, most still from the last century.

Many of these older tools tend to lead us down the route of competitive imitation, not a healthy place to go in today’s world.

Tools are needed increasingly to be more outward looking to see change, more clearly focused upon open innovation opportunity, outward focused not inward thinking.

We at Agility Innovation Specialists are building “Innovation Tool Time”- a toolbox to delve into and find the appropriate tool to meet the circumstances. We will be happy to explain our approaches to this Innovation Tool time with you.

A Unique collection of over 200 tools and methodologies that deal exclusively with the processes associated with innovation. This growing compendium offers an innovation tool box to support and deliver better solutions to our clients 


Author: paul4innovating

I work as a transition advocate for innovation, ecosystems, within IIoT, and the energy system as my points of focus. I relate content to context to give greater knowledge and build the transition narratives we are all undergoing. I have been investing my time in growing my understanding, expertise, and thinking over these “core” topics. My Innovation intent has been central to this for twenty years. This has progressively ‘funnelled down’ into recognizing the value of ecosystems as the business design for innovation to thrive and deliver more significant value creation in the Energy Transition that is underway.