Articulating the innovation challenges you have

How do you find ways to best describe and articulate your innovation challenges

So what are your innovation management challenges?

How can we help you?

Let us offer you a ‘classifier’ of the type of challenges we most often come across

Why don’t you rank your top five that you see as having the greatest interest to talk to someone about?

What are your Innovation Management Challenges?

Please give either a ranking or grouping indication of 5 areas that would be of greatest interest as they can begin to form the opening discussions between us and allow the conversation to quickly grow and deepen between us.

Just be more innovative
Better understand our customers’ needs
Get management buy-in
Balance the portfolio
Evaluate an acquisition
Beat competitors
Choose ideas to pursue
Shape an idea for disruption
Find new market space
Speed market penetration
Have changing customer needs or are in changing markets
Face a challenge in changing the corporate culture
Need new ways to transform their business
Are ready to implement an enterprise-wide innovation process
Want to build their Innovation portfolio
Need to know how to use innovation cost-effectively
Create a culture of innovation
Measure our innovativeness
Creating market opportunities
Detecting and engaging Customers to discover their needs
Need to build a network for innovation exchange
Change in technologies- understanding the threats to us
Opening up in new geographical markets
Assessing market failure and responses
Achieving new approaches to implementation roll-out
Concepts to commercialisation- at higher speed
Building a total commitment to continuous innovation
Seeking out techniques to capture new opportunities (scanning etc)
New ways exploration of going to market
Attracting funding for new innovation concepts

Through the clear classification of these can drive your business and provide new impact- they begin to ‘articulate’ the challenges you are facing and help us ‘form’ the opening discussion around..


Author: paul4innovating

I work as a transition advocate for innovation, ecosystems, within IIoT, and the energy system as my points of focus. I relate content to context to give greater knowledge and build the transition narratives we are all undergoing. I have been investing my time in growing my understanding, expertise, and thinking over these “core” topics. My Innovation intent has been central to this for twenty years. This has progressively ‘funnelled down’ into recognizing the value of ecosystems as the business design for innovation to thrive and deliver more significant value creation in the Energy Transition that is underway.