Achieving Real Intensity of Purpose

Sustaining an innovation competitive advantage- a unique formula

Sustaining innovation is made up of critical components that bring intensity and return to your investment and provide you the framework to build a sustaining advantage on innovation others will find hard to imitate.

So what is this framework? SCA = II + EE + MLC + OC + RNE- its power comes from innovation intensity.

Sustainable Competitive Advantage (SCA) comes from the combining effects of the following:

II = Innovation Intensity – its degree of adoption, investments made, its multiple level of activities and the focus of the intensity given to building capabilities

EE = Entrepreneurial Energies – how you set about and promote and generate the internal environment to enable innovation to take hold and be seen as a learning environment people want to get involved with

MLC = Market Learning Competence – these give a clearer awareness on what and where to acquire from and learn from. The key need is to orientate always towards, and generally get to the heart of, where innovation takes place- in the market place and with your customers

OC = Organizational Capacity – knowing the differences in learning, linking the different intellectual capitals and combining the complementary assets needed to make them more dynamic

RNE =  Relationship & Networking Effects – the supporting and enhancing aspects of making greater connections, collaborations and exchanges so as to speed up the process of innovation, reduce costs and enhance understanding getting closer to knowing where latent knowledge lies to assist and share for greater impact and result.

What is the result of adopting the SCA framework?

ROI = Investment x Activity x Change (learning environment)

                                Results Impact

Making Sustainability central to innovation capability building

Today’s challenge is to build the capacity to be different, to sustain the critical aspect that innovation can provide: the stimulus for sustaining lasting growth. It is through continued learning, capabilities become stronger and more difficult for competitors to understand and imitate. Capabilities grow through use and application.

You aim to provide two types of capabilities, distinctive, which are the characteristics of the organization which cannot be replicated by others and reproductive, which can be bought by the competition but need to be appropriate to your objectives. It is through value creation you achieve greater sustainability and the five elements within this model can provide the path to this.

We offer a unique solution that intensifies innovation so it becomes the power for sustaining and driving your present and future growth.

Come talk to us over what ‘sits’ behind this framework to then apply it within your organization.


Author: paul4innovating

I work as a transition advocate for innovation, ecosystems, within IIoT, and the energy system as my points of focus. I relate content to context to give greater knowledge and build the transition narratives we are all undergoing. I have been investing my time in growing my understanding, expertise, and thinking over these “core” topics. My Innovation intent has been central to this for twenty years. This has progressively ‘funnelled down’ into recognizing the value of ecosystems as the business design for innovation to thrive and deliver more significant value creation in the Energy Transition that is underway.