Advising and Mentoring

The value of external mentoring and advisory

Peer-to-Peer Mentoring and Advisory Engagements

Let’s provide the reasoning on why mentoring and advisory support has real value to you

To find someone who is both empathetic and experienced in business innovation is growing harder so as to avoid many typical, sometimes unseen ‘pitfalls’ of innovation and business ecosystem design and thinking..

Having someone who has a depth gained from their own business experiences; working in large organizations, managing complexity, projects and starting up fresh initiatives or taking them over to turn them around. My background profile

Having advisors and mentors always available saves you time, costly experiments and brings a additional focus into your thinking and work. They create:

* The opportunity and environment for you to step back from the day-to-day detail to take fresh stock, to re-engage in the bigger picture of what innovation can provide. They can help you to refocus and re-energize innovation activities. They can be timely.

* They can be a great sounding board as they listen they can prompt and stimulate your thinking. They can challenge it and help in arriving at new ideas for solutions to your challenges. They can offer a series of directions and courses of action to be considered.

* Growth or the needs for Renewal needed are often tough areas to manage and deliver through innovation activities.

* Today, we need to leverage the connections within our networks more and more.

* Having available a mentor who has a wide network to tap into can seek out the best advice to support assumptions or offer even more clarification.

Discussing constantly changing business challenges often provides a rapid sounding board and value from the external evaluation and perspective. Mentoring triggers thinking about both the known and the unknown, it shapes discovery.

A mentor can remind, prompt and connect issues and bring a fresh perspective to these. Having the opportunity to revisit the different complexities within innovation so you have available a knowledge resource to share and reflect on constant changes since the last conversation or meeting can provide a catalyst to taking the appropriate action.

An advisor feeds ideas, concepts, latest thinking into your understanding. They enable you to see differently and help lay out the alternatives and choices.

Having the opportunity to engage around different topics of discussions that surface around innovation and business ecosystems can become a powerful motivational force for you to re calibrate, stay motivated and focused, and have added incentives to think through these again to add additional value, impact and return.

Combining experience, expertise and different energies delivers value and impact

A good mentor or trusted advisor should offer a different perspective based on a combination of their own practical business experiences along with a real depth of innovation understanding to provide a real return to your needs from innovation.

It is yours alone to finally assimilate and use this new knowledge gained; we will help you in achieving your personal goals and provide a fresh dimension and place innovation understanding into the context necessary.

Why not contact me to find out more about several unique ways we approach innovation through coaching or mentoring? Many of these become ‘deep dives’ to provide the necessary breakthroughs and sustain personal or team value investments.
