Firstly we need to achieve Innovation Foresight
It really is about knowing the needs, those that can be seen and articulated but also those that are the unmet needs, the jobs we are all struggling to complete but don’t have the ideal solutions to complete it without a lot of ‘spent’ energy and applying solutions designed for other issues.
When we have foresight we need to look at both the external customer ones and to encourage the organizational ones that need extracting and working upon. Then it is for the leadership to focus their innovation creative energies and attention on these two crucial aspects to find new innovation opportunity, it is pretty simple really!
Well perhaps it is not that simple. Foresight can be a science unto itself…….but we can help you develop your foresight for innovation? Just ask us.

Moving from your Core
As you work through new business models, mergers and acquisitions you arrive at the question of how close are these to our existing core or do they build up other pools of core value?
Moving from the core needs some considerable thinking through on its potential impact within the organization

How far away and how important does any move become as you then enter the transformational space? Potentially you are committing yourself to considerable change, both in internal and external learning and resource commitments.
Equally ‘how far’ are you prepared to go in future designs of new product and services away from your core? Is the organisation equipped to make such a move? Knowing the pitfalls and dangers of moving too far is important to understand; often there is increased value in asking an external party who has no ‘vested’ interest to make their assessments.
Moving from your core in innovation and what it truly means is vital to think through before you embark on the journey.
Perhaps we can contribute to this thinking through assessment? Having foresight saves so much in lost energy, investments made, time spent.